Copyright 2007-2021
Built with Indexhibit

This new work is a response to the traumatic year of 2020. Originally these digital photomontages were a playful response to the isolation of lock down and the visual renderings of the corona virus that began to circulate in the media. However, the rise of the BLM movement and the resulting examination of systemic racism quickly shifted my focus. I began to see these works differently – as a way to examine or question the idea of infection or threat. What are our individual viruses? What would they look like? What do these viruses do? Do they impede or boost success?

These images were all creating with a photoscanner. All hands and objects were individually scanned and then digitally composed. To learn more and hear me talk about this work, a live stream gallery talk was recorded. I have an emotional moment, but..hey..I'm not embarrassed! This talk also features the collaborative installation/works by Roin Morigeau and Dan McCann. Roin and Dann talk first, I present second, and then questions/discussion at the end.

Gallery Talk with Jenny Hyde, Roin Morigeau and Dan McCann, from In Response, an exhibition at Bryan Oliver Gallery at Whitworth University, Feb 2021
Close Contact

16x20, archival pigment print, 2020
Silent Carrier

16x20, archival pigment print, 2020
Super Spreader

16x20, archival pigment print, 2021
Increased Risk

16x20, archival pigment print, 2020
Past Infection

16x20, archival pigment print, 2021

16x20, archival pigment print, 2021
New Variant

16x20, archival pigment print, 2021
False Negative

16x20, archival pigment print, 2021
Hidden Immunities

16x20, archival pigment print, 2021